Manual Testing Activities: Advantages and Disadvantages

Author: Charter Global
Published: December 26, 2019

Manual Testing Activites is a fundamental part of every effective programming venture. Divergent variables such as venture necessities, course of events, appropriateness and mastery dictate how the manual testing activities will be performed (either manually or automated). The three fundamental elements to the testing process include time, cost,. and quality. Conducting a successful test necessitates limiting the amount of time and resources expended throughout the process.

Manual Testing Activities

Requirements Analysis:

This is where the analyzers familiarize themselves with the app’s details so as to identify any errors.

Test Cases Creation:

With the useful details in hand, the testing group begins a series of experiments on the item, covering every real component and plan components inside the product.

Conducting the Tests:

Tests are carried out one after the other, armed with a good understanding of the product and how it operates.

Logging Bug Reports:

As the tests are conducted, the existing bugs and blunders are noted, logged, and presented in a detailed report including recommendations for remediation.


Manual testing is Consistent with Life Testing

Manual testing seeks to use the product in a perceived real-time, mirroring the exact environment in which the application will be utilized. As a result, a preventative discovery of potential bugs or blemishes can be identified prior to the client launching the application.

Exhaustive Plan Audit

Obviously, an automated system can not offer criticism regarding the application’s look and feel, unlike a cognitive, real-life perspective. An individual’s honest feedback about the physical qualities of the application is usually thorough and insightful.

Cost Effectiveness

When it comes to additional device usage, the manual testing process saves resources. Also, no pre-requisites, certifications, or discernment applies to the candidate(s) interested in performing the review – anyone can do it. Friends and colleagues, for instance, could be enlisted to perform quality checks.

Expanded Adaptability

With manual testing, there is the flexibility advantage where adjustments can be done quickly and on the go.


Risks of Disappointment

Since manual testing rests on the shoulders of the person responsible, the findings may prove less precise; with an exhaustive process. Minor outline blunders and blemishes may not be identified due to the margin of human error. Further, when a QA group is conditioned to a product and the process, they may lack the foresight in identifying new bugs.

Requires More Time and Assets

Manual testing can be a slow, meticulous process. The simplicity of automation testing lies in the usage of just one single machine to run all tests. The need to expend human resources is only in the instance of each set of tests. As your program advances, so does the increase in costs and expenses.

Lack of Manual Intervention 

There are a few limitations to the manual testing approach, as in the instance of direct load and execution testing. In this instance, many users, analyzers and gadgets are interconnected in tandem to run the program.

Also, Manual Testing may produce inefficient, unreliable or ambiguous results, with particular difficulty in testing reusability. Large projects with short deadlines are not suitable for manual testing. Load and performance testing is wholly impossilbe to employ manually.