AI & Data Science

Partner with the Charter Global AI Institute (CGAI) to leverage the power of AI to transform your business.

Upgrade Your Business Activities With Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Drive innovation by uncovering the benefits of artificial intelligence and machine learning for your organization.

The Charter Global AI Institute will team up with your organization to help advance AI innovation that can uncover exciting opportunities for growth and optimization for your organization. We assist our clients to build the appropriate infrastructure, skills, and governance frameworks to leverage AI. Our committed team of AI experts work closely with you to understand your challenges and goals, crafting tailored solutions that deliver measurable results. Together we can achieve transformative outcomes, scalability, improve efficiency, and foster innovation to drive competitive advantage and sustainable growth.

Analytics, Automation, and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

This trio, often referred to as the “Triple A Trifecta,” can drive significant improvements in efficiency, decision-making, and innovation, providing a competitive edge in today’s data-driven world. This is transforming the way businesses operate, making it possible to analyze vast amounts of data with unprecedented speed and accuracy. By strategically integrating analytics, automation, and AI, companies can unlock efficiency gains, discover valuable insights, and deliver enhanced value to customers and stakeholders alike.

Analytics, Automation, and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Our Expertise

We specialize in harnessing the transformative power of technology to drive business growth and efficiency. Charter Global’s experts can take you through every step of AI and ML adoption, from selecting the right technologies to implementation, monitoring, and improvement. Whether you want to empower your workforce with AI assistance or use ML for data-backed decision-making, our team of experts can guide you through the entire process. For over 25 years, we’ve assisted companies to increase revenue, reduce errors, and enhance workplace efficiency. Our core areas of expertise include:

Data Analytics and <br/> Insights

Data Analytics and

We excel at turning data into actionable insights, enabling you to make informed decisions that drive your business forward. Our expertise spans from predictive analytics to advanced data modeling, ensuring you stay ahead of market trends.

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Intelligent Automation <br/> (RPA + AI)

Intelligent Automation
(RPA + AI)

By combining RPA’s ability to automate repetitive tasks with AI’s cognitive capabilities, our team will transform your business processes. From finance to customer service, we will leverage IPA to revolutionize how your business operates, driving growth with increased productivity and innovation.

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) Integration

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Integration

We leverage AI to enhance decision-making, personalize customer experiences, and optimize your operations. Our solutions range from machine learning models that predict customer behavior to AI-driven LLM models that improve customer service.

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Charter Global AI: Industry Briefs

Our talented team of technology professionals have you covered and will deliver projects on time and on budget.

Charter Global Industry Insights

AI in Retail

In the fast-evolving retail landscape, staying ahead means leveraging technology to understand and anticipate customer needs, optimize supply chains, and create engaging, personalized shopping experiences. Our AI in Retail Consulting Service offers end-to-end solutions designed to transform your retail operations through the power of artificial intelligence.

Our team consists of AI specialists, data scientists, retail industry experts, and digital transformation strategists dedicated to revolutionizing retail businesses. We bring a wealth of experience in implementing AI technologies tailored to the unique needs of the retail sector, including customer behavior analytics, inventory management, personalized marketing, Omni Channel Marketing and more.

AI in Retail

AI in Finance

Our AI in Finance Consulting Service is designed to help financial institutions harness the power of AI to drive growth, manage risks more effectively, and stay ahead in the digital age.

Our team brings together AI technologists, data scientists, financial analysts, and regulatory compliance experts dedicated to transforming financial services. We can support in deploying AI solutions that are tailored to the unique challenges and opportunities within the finance sector, including credit scoring, fraud detection, automated advisory services, and more.

AI in Finance

AI in Higher Education

The adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) in higher education is transforming the academic experience, making it more personalized, efficient, and accessible. Our AI in Higher Education Consulting Service is designed to help educational institutions leverage the power of AI to enhance learning outcomes, streamline administrative processes, and foster an environment of innovation and inclusivity.

Our team consists of AI experts, educational technologists, data scientists, and academic professionals who specialize in integrating AI solutions within the higher education ecosystem. We focus on deploying AI-driven technologies that address the specific needs of educational institutions, including Student Enrollment Strategy models, Student Retention models, adaptive learning systems, and AI-enhanced research capabilities.

AI in Higher Education

AI in F&B

Our AI in F&B Consulting Service is designed to empower F&B businesses with cutting-edge AI solutions tailored to their specific needs, driving growth and innovation in a rapidly evolving market.

Our team comprises AI specialists, data scientists and supply chain experts dedicated to transforming the F&B sector. We specialize in implementing AI-driven solutions that tackle industry-specific challenges, such as demand forecasting, inventory management, customer preference analysis, and operational optimization.

AI in F&B

Why Charter Global?

We are committed to providing the following benefits through our AI and Data Science services:

  • AI Strategy: We provide strategic advisory services to meet business objectives. We rank initiatives by value and advise on technology, data, organizational preparation, and implementation timelines.
  • Identify Opportunities: We help businesses identify, prioritize, and validate AI use cases with measurable benefits. We conduct assessments, feasibility studies, and market research to substantiate these AI initiatives.
  • Data Strategy: Our experts advise businesses on developing data strategies that encompass data collection, storage, preprocessing, and governance. We guide our clients through data quality assessment, data privacy, security, and compliance.
  • Technology and Change Management: We assist in selecting suitable solutions by considering factors such as scalability, compatibility with existing systems, cost, and ease of integration. In addition, we help businesses create a culture of AI adoption and ensure organizational readiness.
  • Testing, Deployment and Support: From design and development to optimization and support, Charter Global provides a comprehensive suite of AI services.
Why Charter Global?

Information is your most valuable Asset

Charter Global transforms your Business Intelligence (BI) and Data Warehousing Systems (DWH) into powerful business tools. Identify critical information that can have an impact on decision making and evaluate historical analysis to predict business trends.

ML BI & DW Bigdata IOT

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