Benefits of QA Automated Testing Services

Author: Charter Global
Published: July 18, 2019
Categories: Automation

Every effective programming venture must have tested as a fundamental part of its procedures. Testing could be manual or automated, depending on a set of divergent variables, which could be spending plan, venture necessities, course of events, appropriateness, and mastery. With time, cost, and quality as the 3 basic elements, a fruitful venture aim at high-quality products using minimal time and resources.

Manual and Automated Testing

In Manual Testing, test cases are executed by a human and with no assistance from instruments or contents. Automated testing on the other hand requires test cases to be executed using devices, contents, and programs.

Both Manual and Automated testing apply techniques and strategies unique to them. A few are discovery testing, reconciliation testing, white box testing, execution testing, framework testing, and load testing. Some work better with manual testing while others are best applied with automated testing.

Here’s a brief analysis of each, noting their advantages and disadvantages:

Manual Testing

In Manual Testing, a product is checked against non-practical and utilitarian prerequisites manually, usually supervised by a quality affirmation group.

This method involves having analyzers use the application like the average end client would, running your application on various gadgets, with the motive of discovering possible deviations from the initial prerequisites. The quality group uses some redefined test cases to measure the quality of the product and discover possible blunders or defects with the application’s utility, UX, and outline.

Manual Testing Activities

Requirements Analysis:

This is where the analyzers familiarize themselves with the app’s details for the purpose of finding out possible errors.

Test Cases Creation:

With the useful details in hand, the testing group begins a series of experiments on the item, covering every real component and plan components inside the product.

Conducting the Tests:

This is where the tests are carried out one after the other, armed with a good understanding of the product and how it operates.

Logging Bug Reports:

As the tests are conducted, the existing bugs and blunders are noted and logged to be presented in a detailed report with possible recommendations.

Manual Testing has its Advantages and Disadvantages


Manual testing is Consistent with Life Testing

Manual testings seek to use the product in perceived real-time, to mirror the exact condition in which the application will be utilized. This will facilitate the discovery of bugs or blemishes that would likely occur when the client dispatches the application.

Exhaustive Plan Audit

While it is impossible for an automated system to criticize the application’s look and feel, only an individual can give honest feedback as to the physical qualities of the application.


The manual testing process saves resources that would have been incurred into additional devices. Anyone, including friends and colleagues, can be enlisted to perform the quality checks.

Expanded Adaptability

With manual testing, there is the flexibility advantage where adjustments can be done quickly and on the go.


Risks of Disappointment

Since manual testing depends totally on a human, it may be less precise and exhaustive. It is possible for individuals to miss some minor outline blunders and blemishes. There is also the familiarity issue where the QA group is unable to see new bugs being now so used to the product.

Requires More Time and Assets

Manual testing can be a slow meticulous process and unlike automation testing where one machine can be used to run all the tests, human resources will be required for each set of tests. These costs keep coming as your program advances.

You cannot Physically Try Everything

There are a few limitations to the manual testing approach. Performing direct load and execution testing manually, for instance, will be difficult. It would require a lot of users/analyzers and gadgets simultaneously running the program.

  1. Manual Testing may produce inefficient, unreliable, or ambiguous results.
  2. Difficulty in testing reusability
  3. It is not suitable for large projects with short deadlines.
  4. Load and Performing Testing is not possible

Automated Testing:

Automation testing requires executing pre-scripted tests on a product before discharging it into creation. Manual and mechanized testing has a fundamental distinction in techniques. Test robotization apparatuses are utilized in automated tests to perform tests, reporting of outcomes, and comparison with prior trials. Involving less human touch, it takes different test reruns as the need arises.

Automation Also Comes With its Ups and Downs:


Speed and Efficiency

Since tests are conducted by programs and instruments, robotized testing takes less time and energy. Once set up, the testing system automatically does the work, with the test reuse in perspective. The tests can be run concurrently on different machines and programs, reducing testing time and exertion. Computerized testing can be accurate since it depends solely on calculations.


Robotization may be more cost-efficient in the long run. Simply set up a computerized structure once and more experiments can be included as the item develops. Additionally, when the tests need to be run over and over, robotization saves time and cash for the QA group, while ensuring reliable outcomes.

Straightforward and Fastidious

Unlike the manual procedure where only the analyzer can see prompt outcomes, automated testing uses committed devices to take care of QA robotization process and everyone on the team to see the progress and outcomes. Robotized testing also enables detailed application testing of aspects that cannot be tried physically.


Requires Additional Cost

An automated system requires a custom robotization structure, regardless of the nature of the device. Also, cost is incurred setting up a legitimate testing process.  There is a long-term advantage as the apparatus and assembled structure can be reused for other tests, but underlying costs of the system, as well as regular maintenance, cannot be ignored.

Lack of Human Input on UI and Usability

Machines don’t see with the human eyes, hence would be incapable of providing an unprejudiced analysis on the application’s UX or plan. The automated systems would simply check each component against already set parameters.

Tools’ limitations and In-Built Issues

Preset testing machinery often does not have the range of parameters the user needs to test the product. Though they may be extended and modified by the user, it is a downside, however. Additionally, these programs come with their own bugs and issues, which may negatively affect the testing procedure also, if not corrected early.

  • Automation requires substantial investment in skills and tools
  • Automation cannot replace the human intellectual skills factor needed for evaluating the software’s UI or UX
  • It requires basic programming knowledge
  • May require training for manual test resources.