Application Modernization

Application Modernization, Digital Transformation, Strategic Advisory

The Power of App Modernization in Driving Digital Transformation
Digital transformation has become a pivotal strategy for organizations looking to enhance their operational efficiency, improve customer experiences, and stay [...]

Application Modernization, Microservices, Migration & Integration

A Practical Three-step Approach to Migrating to Microservices
Our client was looking for a solution to upgrade their monolith architecture. We recommended a microservices approach to focus on [...]

Application Modernization, Microservices

Convert your Monolithic Applications to a Microservices Design to Accelerate your Deployment Schedule
Microservice Architecture is similar to service-oriented architecture but it arranges an application as a collection of loosely coupled services, which are [...]

Application Modernization, CRM

Ensure Success in 2021 by Leveraging Technology to Engage Your Customers
The single most important factor to ensure success in 2021 is the ability to establish an online relationship with the [...]

Application Modernization, Mobile App Development

Make Sure Your App Can Handle Holiday Shoppers
For many people, the start of the holiday shopping season is well underway. With everything that has happened in 2020, [...]

Application Development, Application Modernization

How to Outsource your App Development and Succeed
In an age of competitive technology, the faster a company can come out with new developments, the higher their chances [...]

Application Modernization

Here are ways to save time during a Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
In the software industry, new technology is coming out every single day. It seems that almost as soon as the [...]

Application Modernization, Microservices

Upgrading Monolithic Applications into Microservices Architecture
Monolithic architecture is typically code-based formed as a singular expansive system. On the other hand, a microservices architecture is formed [...]

Application Modernization, Microservices

How to use Karate while Microservices Testing
Choosing the best microservices testing framework for dealing with complex HTTP requests can be challenging at times. But with an [...]

Application Modernization, Microservices

Five Microservices Trends in 2020
The future of microservices in 2020 will unfold in different and challenging ways. The rate of microservices adoption is growing at [...]