Charter Global Insights

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How Will AI and Machine Learning Transform Marketing?
One thing about marketing is that it will never stop evolving. With technology updates, marketing has to continuously adapt to [...]
Scrum as a Service vs. Traditional Contracting
When a business is wanting to find an outside source for a development project, there are a lot of options [...]
What is Agile Development?
With the push for faster software development, it only makes sense that processes have strayed from the traditional sense. In [...]
Why Recruiters are essential to a Company’s hiring process?
For hiring managers, finding the right applicants can be extremely challenging, time-consuming, and expensive. Utilizing a recruiter can take a [...]
Creating Software Requirements to Improve your Application Development Process
Before ever starting a project, it is important to have set boundaries. Without knowing what a business wants and needs [...]
The Benefits of Using a Mobile App during the Epidemic
As the recent epidemic has impacted the far reaches of the globe, no industry has been left untouched. To curve [...]
3 Tips for a Successful Outsourcing Software Development Projects
Introduction Outsourcing software development projects can be a powerful strategy for businesses looking to leverage specialized expertise and reduce costs. [...]
Remote Team vs. In-House Team
As many of us have started working from home, companies all over the world have begun uncovering a lot of [...]
Here are ways to save time during a Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
In the software industry, new technology is coming out every single day. It seems that almost as soon as the [...]
3 Ways to Improve Your Work-Life Balance
As technology continues to become an integrated part of our lives, work follows us in the car, traveling, and especially [...]