Engage, Train and Retain

Author: Michael Coates
Published: March 21, 2024
Categories: People Solutions

Companies increasingly face challenges filling technology roles, impacting their ability to leverage platform investments and meet critical business demands. Traditional recruitment processes simply cannot keep pace with the rapid evolution of technology and specific skill set requirements to achieve business benefits.

Charter Global provides our Engage, Train and Retain (ETR) offering designed to address these challenges head-on.

Unfilled Positions Impede Business Success

Many organizations find themselves with job postings recruiters struggle to fill, many times for months on end. This gap leads to delays in completing essential projects and prevents organizations from maximizing their investment in technology platforms. This hinders operational efficiency and stifles innovation and growth.

Understanding Engage, Train and Retain

Charter Global provides customized offerings to meet diverse hiring and project staffing challenges while enabling your permanent staff to learn the skills they need to support ongoing project efforts. ETR enables organizations to leverage our skilled professionals for critical roles without the need for Recruiting to source and hire. An ETR engagement ensures projects can proceed while providing training and mentoring to incumbent staff to provide maintenance and support.

Charter Global bridges the recruiting gap with ETR by:

  • Providing expert resources for short-term engagements to perform project work, re-starting projects that were put on hold due to staff limitations.
  • Delivering packaged training curricula for incumbent staff to ensure they can support and expand project work moving forward.
  • Mentoring incumbent staff through the duration of the engagement.

An ETR engagement enables an organization to jump-start technology projects and improve staff capabilities.

Engage, Train and Retain Business Benefits
  • Enabling the organization to realize the value of their platform investment.
  • Leveraging completed projects to improve business operations and the bottom line.
  • Upskilling incumbent staff to create a virtuous cycle of project progress and process improvements.
  • Enhancing organizational agility to better respond to changing business conditions.

An ETR engagement includes a strategy session to help the business to strategize identify the projects and technologies to prioritize, customizing the engagement accordingly.

Our ETR offering is a strategic solution to complex business and technical challenges, providing the immediate impact of expert personnel and the sustainable benefit of upskilling staff. This combination helps the organization solve current project blockades while enabling forthcoming expansion.

Contact us to learn more about how we can assist your business.