Did you know that nearly 80 percent of smartphone users always have their phones handy, at least up to 22 hours a day? Things have changed drastically. People now prefer to do most things via mobile devices. Texting is one of the great ways to engage more job seekers via mobile. Here are some tips on how to engage more potential employees via mobile recruiting, and especially with the texting method:
Simple texting to remind candidates about a scheduled interview could be a powerful motivating factor. A typical example of how you can structure the text message could be “We wish you the best at your interview tomorrow with XX agency.” This would encourage the candidates and make them know you truly care about bringing them in to work in your organization.”
The best part is that you can find mobile recruiting apps that can help you schedule such messages and subsequently send them to the candidates who have been invited for an interview.
If you are still working on doing the final selection after the interview, you should use job texting apps to schedule a follow-up interview text. While you may think of calling instead, a quick text would work better and will serve as a reminder on their mobile devices than they’ve not been forgotten or their resume pushed aside.
Speed counts a lot, bearing in mind that the talent market is competitive. As a result, your success is dependent on how fast you are able to secure the most suitable talents needed to take your business to the next level. More than 73 percent of the Millennials, as well as Gen Z’ers, use digital methods to interact with each other.
So, if you want to speed up your recruitment and engage more job candidates, you need to embrace mobile recruiting methods and apply to text a lot. Make sure you keep the main thing the main when texting to engage potential candidates for the job.
A great way to engage mobile recruiting texting is to place a short code alongside keywords like text “jobs” to 2914”. You can also make it location-based texting, such as choosing universities, hospitals, corporate campuses, retail outfits, or other locations. This will help grow the company’s job candidate pipeline. You can also engage in texting to notify candidates of new career openings and opportunities, as well as manage employee onboarding.
These apps are helpful in posting career opportunities that have been optimized for smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices. Also, candidates use these apps on their mobile devices to submit job applications.
Indeed, mobile recruiting is fast becoming the in-thing and should be embraced by companies and job seekers as well.