Cloud-based Tech

Artificial Intelligence, QA Automation & Testing

3 Ways Artificial Intelligence (AI) will Impact the Economy in 2020 and Beyond
1) Increasing efficiency and accuracy in our everyday work. It’s tempting to believe that artificial intelligence services can do just about [...]

Internet-of-Things (IoT), Open Source

Don’t Leave these 5 Things Out of Your IoT Game Plan
Traditionally, software is manually developed and operated by humans using devices like desktop computers, and more recently, on smartphones and [...]

Internet-of-Things (IoT), Open Source

5 Promising Industries for 5G and IoT
According to a survey, 92% of executives from 100 major telecom operators, globally, agree that 5G will pave the way [...]

Open Source

The Universal World of IoT – Part II
Recently, we discussed IOT as it relates to various purposes in our lives at work and home. Today’s post is [...]