Tech Startups

Digital Transformation, Tech Startups

Top Software Development Trends in 2024
As we step into 2024, the landscape of software development continues to evolve at a rapid pace. Staying abreast of [...]

Digital Transformation, Tech Startups

Top 3 New Technology Trends for 2021
Every industry is looking to 2021 for new and exciting technologies to help manage the demands of their now-mostly-virtual customers. [...]

Tech Startups

The Gift of Volunteering
Saturday, December 5th is “International Volunteer Day” where people from all around the globe work together to make the world [...]

Tech Startups

Make 2021 the Year of Strategic Success!
It is common at the end of the year to reflect back on your organization’s balanced scorecard. As we all [...]

Tech Startups

3 Tips for a Successful Outsourcing Software Development Projects
Introduction Outsourcing software development projects can be a powerful strategy for businesses looking to leverage specialized expertise and reduce costs. [...]

Tech Startups

Remote Team vs. In-House Team
As many of us have started working from home, companies all over the world have begun uncovering a lot of [...]

Tech Startups

Benefits of IT Outsourcing Software Development
As your company grows, so does software. As innovation occurs, so does software. As technology improves, so does software. Do you [...]

Tech Startups

One of the Most Expensive Software’s Due to High Maintenance Costs
Oracle is a popular system created around a “relational database framework,” where data can be found on the front end [...]

Application Development, Tech Startups

It’s time to upgrade your application development Tech Stack
Tech stacks are the source of data and all the elements that go into the building (as well as running) [...]